Saturday 8 October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011

Vlad and Joe are Partying Non-Stop!


Vlad and Joe think partying is preparing for the winter! Why? Well because they get quite fat whenever they're chugging down alcohol and eating hotdogs! I think of them as filthy cappie pigs! Only a cappie gets fat and ugly for the winter and runs to Florida for heat!

We communists are strong and mighty- WE CAN WITHSTAND ANYTHING!

By Leon Bird!

Friday 30 September 2011

Autumn is Here for Sexy Commies!

Here we are sleeping together on the cold autumn nights.

So autumn is here again and it's time for us to get our new fashion styles and a house to live in until spring has arrived.

Leon is acting rather emo lately; he keeps sobbing about how Joe and I are ignoring him and how he wants to dance again. We've been busy with preparing for the cold months ahead but Leon equates us preparing ourselves with partying!

Leon has gone a wee bit insane!

Anyhow, have a jolly good autumn!


Monday 26 September 2011



Instead of my usual rantings about my enchanting life, I shall tell you of how great and glorious communism IS! Now, don't you like the colour red? I DO! If you don't you're anti-EVERYTHING! You don't want to be anti-EVERYTHING do you now?! Well then support the RED!

RED is the colour of blood, love, and COMMUNISM. RED IS THE BEST! Now repeat that over again until you've come to realise how great RED is.

Now do you see how great RED is? Well if you do, don't you realise how great communism is? Just repeat the same phrases though with COMMUNISM instead.

Communism is about helping your fellow man, comrade, and lover through life. We help each other with many problems....

ANYHOW, accept communism as Karl Marx is GOD. Karl Marx is just like you and I but superior in EVERY way imaginable. Karl Marx created this universe and capitalism is the DEVIL trying to steal your souls!


Karl Marx has existed for eternity, and has been every prophet in ALL of the Abrahamic faiths, yes even Islam. HE was THOR and Odin in the Pagan faiths, and he has been every GOOD and EVIL creature in existence.

Now Karl Marx would like you to all drop your barbaric faiths and accept COMMUNISM! As COMMUNISM is the only way to save your soul!

Karl Marx tames the wild.

By Leon Bird

Saturday 24 September 2011



Lately Vlad and Joe have been incredibly lazy! So I fancied a few books whilst wearing nothing but underwear. Don't I look absolutely stunning? Admirable? Handsome? Beautiful in a manly manner? No? I'm wonderful, aren't I?

So whilst Vlad and Joe partied and slept I met a wonderful woman by the name A. A was somewhat manly looking due to her mustache but I thought she was beautiful nonetheless! BUT soon I realised she didn't fancy me back, but she actually hates me! AND she isn't even a *she* but a he!

Damn you A! I loved you! With love that's true though I wait for you sweetheart! Auf wiedersehen (he speaks German). He told me to go... erm.... Well it doesn't matter!

A, why?!

Here's a picture of me in some library, and the next picture is one of A.

By Leon Bird

Thursday 22 September 2011

Hotel Tasties


Here are some of our lovely hotel tasty photos!
These photos are our signature poses.

As you can see I'm the handsome guy wearing the scientist/robe posing like an epic hero who questions ALL fashion styles! Sexy indeed.
The next photo is one of Vlad posing like a sexy young man; looking mysterious and adorable at the same time!
After that photo, it's Joe posing like a great grand leader of highness! He looks absolutely stunning and masculine!

By Leon Bird

Sunday 18 September 2011

Leon Is Sad

COMRADES! By Leon Bird

I am a sad communist because Vlad and Joe are ignoring me! AND I still haven't gotten back my stolen goods! DAMN YOU HOOLIGANS! DAMN YOU!

I feel so sad and lonely. Here's a picture of me being lonely.

So I've been busying myself with new fashion styles and shows. Above is some of the stuff I've been seeing to cure myself of my sadness, loneliness, boredom, and heartbroken face.

But I must pick myself up instead of having to feel pain! I WILL LIVE!

We COMMUNISTS have been through TOUGHER times so I really can't get too emo. DAMN! I MUST BE STRONG!


Bye now! Have a nice day COMRADES!